Monday, May 27, 2013

vacation recap: South Carolina

I know it has been a while since my last post. I've been busy having an amazing vacation with my family in South Carolina. It was so nice to be able to get away and spend time with everyone in such a relaxing location. The house we were staying in was right across from the ocean so it was perfect for this pregnant lady - I could make plenty of trips back and forth to get water, reapply sunscreen and of course use the restroom. 

While we spent much of our time on the island, we did make a couple trips outside of Edisto. We spent one day at Middleton Gardens which was my favorite excursion. Another day we drove into Charleston and did some shopping, dining and a historical carriage tour. We also took a trip to Botany Bay, which had a beautiful beach and fantastic shells. But wherever we were, my favorite part was indulging in the fresh seafood!

I feel so fortunate to have been able to catch up with my family and spend some quality time with the hubby before baby comes. Besides baby's upcoming arrival, the vacation was timed perfectly for some other celebrations. My brother-in-law graduated from med school, the hubby celebrated a birthday (I won't say how old), and my parents celebrated their 36th wedding anniversary! 

Here are some pictures from our trip. After a relaxing two-week break, I'm ready to start summer classes and get back to the world of design!

my sister and her hubby enjoying Middleton gardens
Mom & Dad celebrating 36 years of marriage!
the beautiful gardens at Middleton Place
Mom relaxing at Middleton gardens
walking on the beach at Botany Bay
sunset boat ride & my sister and her hubby
birthday dinner with the hubby
Edisto Beach & Botany Bay
the whole family!
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