Monday, April 15, 2013

inspiration of the week: decorating with black

I feel so fortunate to be able to pursue a career I'm passionate about and, most importantly, to have the time to become educated and develop the skills to really succeed. There are so many projects that have already shaped the way I view design and one of those was a color theory project. 

When decorating your own home most people, myself included, tend to stay within a safe and familiar color palette. Our color theory project really opened my eyes to the psychological effects of colors - one of the most surprising being black. I used to think of black as oppressive, the color of teenage angst. But used correctly, black adds a level of formality and sophistication to a room. And although it's bold, it functions as a neutral so you can pair it with other colors from your comfort zone.

Check out these fabulous rooms that use black in both large doses and small accents.

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So what do you think? Do these change the way you think about decorating with black?

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