Monday, April 22, 2013

weekend recap

This weekend my best friend Kat came to visit me and we had an absolutely wonderful weekend. There's nothing better than a girls weekend and it meant so much to me that she made the trip to Denver for the weekend. Shameless plug for my bestie: Kat is the creator and author of Fit Girls Kitchen and has been an inspiration to me in my journey to create this blog. 
My Fit Girl kept me active with morning runs and a hike in the mountains.
Notice my first cheesy baby bump picture - I couldn't help it!

The hubby got us some great tickets from work for the Rockies game on Friday.
The best part of your best friend staying with you for the weekend?
Primping and getting ready for a night out!
Dinner at Beatrice & Woodsley (a MUST try if you haven't).
Shopping in Cherry Creek North.

I even had time to work on some design boards for a class project!
How was your weekend?

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