Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I am definitely one of those people distracted by shiny objects. So it's no surprise that I've incorporated sparkle into my home decorating. For my birthday last year, the hubby got me (and installed) a chandelier I'd been coveting. Best present ever. 

A mirrored piece of furniture, or a glass table can give the illusion of more space in a room - something we desperately needed in our home. A crystal chandelier can add much needed visual interest vertically. In moderation, I think a bit of shine can even work well in gender neutral spaces. The trick is to make sure the proportion is right.

Here are some rooms with sparkle that I just love.
A statement chandelier can add all the sparkle you need, and really brightens up this dark room.
Small details can be the easiest way to add some glam.
Though not practical for most homes, this ceiling is amazing. Combined with the mirrored wall, it really makes the space feel bigger.
Fabrics with some shine to them can add a luxurious element. Don't feel like you need to avoid mixing metallics. Here the bronze bed works beautifully with the silver pouf.
Good lighting reflecting off the white backsplash and glass cabinets adds the visual interest and sparkle here.

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